Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday begins

Today I continue to improve. I am spending the day doing...NOTHING. I really want to make sure I am rested and able to go home on Thursday.

Yesterday I had Michelle and Payton visit, as well as Donovan and Chris' brother and sister in law. It was so good to see Donovan but he almost kicked my stomach a couple of times..that could give me a heart attack. At the end of the day, I was definitely tired and ready to lie and heal.

So, I said I would let all know some of my restrictions. My binder is HUGE..so here are a few of my favorites.

1) I can never be around people who have live immunity shots given 2 to 3 days following their shots as I will not be able to fight off the virus. (mumps ect) This includes Donovan.
2) The next 2 months my food must be cooked. No med rare steak or Eggs over easy and definitely no sushi (sniff sniff)
3) No visits to the dentist for 6 months..no visits to the dentist for life without first taking medication and clearing with transplant team
4) Must pee every 2 hours all night every night for next 6 months as to not tear stitches in bladder
5) Always wear sunscreen and sunglasses as my risk for getting skin cancer has increased almost 20% due to low immunity for kidney.

This is all part of my transplant training. It will be life changing, but I still have a lot more freedom. Now I am going back to doing what I do best these days..nothing.

love to all.

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