Tuesday, August 11, 2009

quick update

I owe everyone an apology. I have not been posting for a while. The truth is I have been so frustrated, I haven't wanted to post. I sit and think of all the things I have to say, and decide I am too tired to write it all! So here is the post I hope leads to me getting back on track.

There are two developments in my health/disability.

The first is my side effects. For months I have been sick. I spend hours a day in the bathroom. I hate to complain as I am so much better than I was pre-transplant, but I am not where I want to be. I don't know when I will feel sick...or for how long. I do not know how to get life back on track until I settle this. The doctors are so excited about my kidney, I think this is not as important to them. The bad part is, if I skip a dose..the next 8 hours or so I feel better. The last week I have been skipping doses during the day which allowed me to do a lot more. But, I am way overdue for a blood test. I know if I go the doctors will see my levels are much lower and freak. I can not continue this trend.

The second is the mess with my lawyer. I will save this for another date, but this has become a huge mess. The Bottom line is my lawyer was paid the max amount he could get before he did anything. So, he did not have any motivation to do anything. The infuriating part for me, is that I found out when appealing my case, he never turned in anything on my behalf..nothing for years. I got a copy of my file from his staff, (after throwing a fit until I received it) only to find out the only coorespondance he had in my file was the paperwork I signed making him my lawyer, the paperwork he filed with social security asking for some of the money which I had received before I hired him (which was declined) and then a check from social security to him taking money from my sons Social Security. Then there are just piles of notes from me and social security which his firm chooses to ignore, and then a letter saying he wouldn't represent me anymore. I now have to go before a judge to discuss my case. I have to figure out what recourse, if any, I have against the lawyer. Then I have to explain to Assurant that the lawyer took 6K they believe belongs to them. The part I don't think anyone understands about this whole mess is that I probably owe the 6K my lawyer got to Assurant, and will have to pay for it out of my pocket. The story is much longer..much more complex, but for now I hope this gives you some idea with what I am dealing with. More soon.
